Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT
Visual Arts Category: Mixed Media • Painting
Natalie North is an Italian-American, 2nd generation artist. She studied Anthropology and International Studies in Utah, where she was born and raised. She has been a professional artist for 15 years. Her most recent body of work explores the possibilities of new beginnings. A search for understanding our place in the universe though the study of physics, geometry, and imagery that spans the dynamic history of life on earth. Natalie's work offers an invitation to consider our shared experience and communal sense of wonder, to hear a story told. A chance to interact with one another.
The Italian physicist, Carlo Rovelli has said that all reality is interaction. He explains it well... "A thing is something which remains equal to itself. A stone is a thing because I can ask where the stone is tomorrow, while a happening is something that is limited in space and time. A kiss is not a thing, because I cannot ask, where is a kiss, tomorrow; “Where is this kiss?” tomorrow, eh? I mean, it’s just happened now. And I think that we don’t understand the world as made by stones, by things. We understand the world made by kisses, or things like kisses — happenings.".
Natalie believes each of her works are a self portrait of a time, a thing charged with the happenings in the moments of creation. A time capsule that holds choices made, curiosities followed, recorded movement, and so many breaths held. Alive in its own right. She hopes for universal resonance and strives to create pieces where the boundaries of time and self blur; to find where we collide.
Natalie views the world as full of magic and believes we all sparkle with it. She resides in Salt Lake City, UT with her two wild, feral, and sweet boys; Ellis, aged 6 and River, aged 3.